Q1.- How much a company pays when an agency auditor founds a nonconformance or Variation Notice?
A1.- It depends of the agency and the type of audit or inspection but variates from 0 to 1600 US dollars, however it could go up to 3000 US dollars if the auditor needs to comeback to witness compliance.
Q2.- What kind of certification audits can GMACS (Global Market Access Consulting Services) help consulting with?
A2.- Although our biggest experience is with certification, follow-up audits, and Field Evaluations for the UL certification agency, we can help with other certifications like CSA, NSF, CE, NOM, CCC or CQC, among others if we previously get enough information about the specific case.
Q3.- What is Field Evaluations consulting Service?
A3.- Imagine you company is building a customized Factory automation equipment and want to sell it in USA, then in order to comply with US regulations it will require a field evaluation report done by a National Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) like UL, CSA, or TUV among others. Therefore we can help either by suggesting the best two NRTLs in our experience and help you prepare for the agency evaluation. If needed we could do onsite consulting or general training depending on the applicable standards. Another example would be that you will have an Initial Product Inspection for one of your products for any agency (UL, CSA, NOM, etc), then we can also help you to prepare for that event.
Q4.-What is the consulting firm service?
A4.- We assist our customers by suggesting one or two best possible solutions for their specific case and the decision is made by the company key stakeholders.
Q5.- What is a Gap assessment audit?
A5.- It is a mock audit or an audit that simulates the future agency audit. With this audit we will give a report of how prepared is your company for the real audit plus suggestions to prepare for the audit. (Note: This is not a warranty that your company will not have a non-conformance but it will certainly reduce the possibilities and have you more prepared for the audit).
Q6.- Can GMACS provide other services out of consulting?
A6.- Yes, as mentioned in our services we can also represent your company with the certification agency, do your supplier audits on your behalf, do supplier research and credit reports. We can also do customized engineering consulting services.
Q7.- Can GMACS provide online training for the certification process?
A7.- Yes, sometimes companies lose talents like experienced managers and engineers from different departments (Quality, Design, manufacturing, materials, or purchasing), the new crew usually requires training on the certification process of products especially if they come from an industry that doesn't require UL or NOM Certification. What companies do is to hire the certification body to deliver the training, but is very expensive both in terms of money and logistics to gather all people involved for a one day training, plus a design engineer for example only needs to learn about the design part of the certification process which is covered in the the first 2 to 3 hours of the training, but QA engineer may need 5 hours. With GMACs companies now have the option to reserve two or three hours online consulting at the convenience of every participant's schedule.
Q8.- What is the local representative service for import/export?
A8.- Basically we will represent you either in Taiwan or in Mexico when your company wants to import or export products, in other words we will help you find the easiest way to do your import or export.
Q9.- Can GMACS provide local representative service for import/export Taiwan-USA?
A9.- Although we currently have no office in USA, our network covers USA, so we can definitely help you but need to analyze your specific case.
Q10.- What is the Engineering customized solutions?
A10.- This is a consulting service where GMACS help your company to find the best possible solutions to a specific problem by doing a study or analysis of that problem or need and delivering a report with the suggestions to resolve the problem.